A massive library of 3D Illustrations for

A massive library of 3D Illustrations for

100,000+ transparent PNG images of beautiful 3D objects

Browse 3D illustrations

Available Now

All Access

Pay once, get every Shapefest pack.

Available Now

All Access

Pay once, get every Shapefest pack.

Clay Packs

Available Now

All Access

Pay once, get every Shapefest pack.

Available Now

All Access

Pay once, get every Shapefest pack.

Almost too good to be true


Every shape is rendered using physically based lighting and materials. It might be possible to beat the quality of these renders, but it would be really hard.

High Resolution

Some packs are available for free with images at 512 x 512 px so that you can use them as icons or illustrations. Want to go super high res? Each pack is also available at 3,000 x 3,000 px for a small fee.

Use Them Anywhere

This isn't some application-specific set of assets. You can use these images for presentations, Ul design, animation, web, print... anything. Grab the high-res version for best results when designing for print.

Almost too good to be true


Every shape is rendered using physically based lighting and materials. It might be possible to beat the quality of these renders, but it would be really hard.

High Resolution

Some packs are available for free with images at 512 x 512 px so that you can use them as icons or illustrations. Want to go super high res? Each pack is also available at 3,000 x 3,000 px for a small fee.

Use Them Anywhere

This isn't some application-specific set of assets. You can use these images for presentations, Ul design, animation, web, print... anything. Grab the high-res version for best results when designing for print.

Used by folks at some amazing companies